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Transfer of vaixells by sea



A Serveis Nàutics Llafranc t'oferim la possibilitat de que puguis gaudir del teu vaixell en qualsevol lloc del món.

Ens dedicated to trasllat per sea of vaixells de tota mena (iots, motors, sailboats, etc.)


Si per falta de temps o simplement perquè no et ve de gust una llarga navegació no pots gaudir del teu vaixell en noves costes, nosaltres et_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_portarem la teva embarcació a la destinació que desitgis. Podràs estalviar temps viatjant amb avió i així aprofitar al màxim les teves vacances.


Hi ha una infinitat de llocs nous per descobrir. Imagina't navegant per Menorca, Mallorca, Eivissa, Formentera, Còrsega, Sardenya, Illes Greeks, Croàcia, Itàlia, França, Carib, Illes Canàries...


Dani Muñoz is the skipper who is dedicated to transfers, has a long experience in ocean navigation and throughout the Mediterranean. For more than 20 years he has accumulated thousands of thousands of navigations in motorized vaixells. I also had a long trajectory with a boss in private iots.


It has several travessies de l'Atlàntic and is connected to villages such as the Caribbean, Cap Verd, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Costa Brava, Costa Blava, Còrsega, Sardenya, Illa Eòliques, Amalfi Coast, Ribera Italian, Monaco, Sicily, between molts d'altres llocs.

Transfer conditions:


  • The documentation of the boat will have to be up to date and have in good conditions the necessary basic security material that is required ​_d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9149-20813d6c673 certificat de navigability_el.

  • It is essential to buy a valid insurance policy.

  • The boat and its equipment must be in good standing for navigation.


  • The shipowner will have to sign a transport authorization authorizing al patron to carry the vessel to its destination.


  • The data of lliurament of the vaixell in the destinació, podrà variar of the one that s'hagi acordat per causes meteorológiques. In cap cas it will force navigation in adverse conditions that could damage the boat i/o pose in peril to the crew. You will always opt for a safe navigation according to the criteria of the employer.


  • The skipper will carry the logbook up to date to leave a record of all who have passed in the navigation.

  • The patron will accredit the shipowner his six academic and professional training with his curriculum vitae and a copy of his six professional qualifications. Because the shipowner puts his ship in the hands of whom he poses.

Transport cost:


  • The cost of transportation is calculated based on the miles of distance. The price per mile is €4.50 if the distance is not greater than 200 miles and €4 from 200 to 1000 miles. For distances greater than 1000 miles, a custom press post is necessary.


  • Les despeses de consum de combustible sempre aniran a càrrec de l'armador; també les despeses d'escales_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_en ports previstes segons la ruta, per emergències mecàniques, canvis en les previsions meteorològiques, etc.,  així com les possible damages in repair of material shipments or some incident.


  • The departures of the patron's displacement to the place of departure and the return to the origin, encourage the shipowner's càrrec.



Payment conditions:


  • A payment of 50% of the pressupost abans of the assortment will be made.


  • In the event that the payment of 50% was not sufficient to pay the expenses calculated by transportation, such as for port calls or supplies, it will be a calculation of these expenses and the amount of the payment to be made prior to the shipment will be agreed..

  • Once the ship arrives at its destination, the shipowner will pay the remaining part of the shipping cost. While the patró will deliver de all the invoices of the shipments of the trasllat_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cfts(combustibles, etc.portables).


 For more information or requests, please contact en contact with Dani Muñoz.


+34 607 79 47 11

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